Wednesday, March 25, 2020

St Benedict Academy or St Benedict College Bangalore Reviews, ratings and Fees 2020

St Benedict Academy Bangalore Reviews, ratings and Fees 2020

About St Benedict Academy Bangalore :

Benedict of Nursia (March 480 – 543 or 547 AD) may be a Christian saint. he's defender of Europe. Benedict founded twelve communities for monks at Subiaco, Lazio, Italy (about 40 miles (64 km) to the east of Rome), before moving to Monte Cassino within the mountains of southern Italy. Benedict's main achievement is his "Rule of Saint Benedict", containing precepts for his monks.

Discipline may be a way of focusing energy and a spotlight on what matters. Benedictine life is made around a fundamental discipline of prayer, work and relationships that's set forth within the Rule which seeks to free a monastic to require enjoyment of God's presence within the self, the community and therefore the world. No learning takes place without discipline. Students must sacrifice short-time benefits for long-term goals. In pursuing academic excellence the school and staff seek to show and model the talents for cultivating discipline. Within a Benedictine institution of upper education it's our intent to shape the classroom, laboratory, and studio - also programs in athletics, service and leadership - to call forth and support personal discipline on the a part of students. We rejoice at growth in knowledge and self-understanding that's the fruit of diligence , initiative and honest assessment.

Benedictine colleges and universities seek to enlist this practical specialise in community building and its profound openness to human history and global experience. We plan to provide students with an experience of community, deepened by curricular and co-curricular programs, to assist them make the connection between the individual and therefore the communal, the local and therefore the global, this and therefore the past. Benedictine educational institutions seek to acknowledge the service their members give to promoting human well-being on campus, also as off. it's our intent to commemorate the instance and witness provided within the past, to celebrate human generosity wherever it's found, and to expand care and concern for our members on a daily basis.

St. Benedict’s College is affiliated to Bangalore University, managed by Asirvanam Benedictine Fathers, Bangalore may be a beautiful campus, gifted by natural greenery and wonder may be a conducive and congenial environment for tutorial pursuits.

Benedictine Group of Institutions is growing by launching college UG and PG courses in Bangalore, faraway from the noisy and bustling city atmosphere. Benedictine campus provides serene and ideal ambiance for teaching-learning process.

The institution strives to satisfy its mission to supply educational opportunities to all or any aspiring youth to excel in life by developing academic excellence, fostering values, creating civic duty and building global competencies during a dynamic environment.

St Benedict Academy Principal's Message :

Dear SBA Family, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Accademic 2018 – 2019 year at St. Benedict’s Academy. this is often our 10th year of existence and that we are very excited about our St. Benedict’s institute of management studies & computer application.

It is a really sacred and special trust that you simply have placed in us and that we will endeavor to figure with you in partnership to make sure that your child develops within an environment that permits the sunshine of Christ to both shine on them and thru them.

At SBA we believe that it's essential to satisfy each child’s needs, whatever they'll be. we would like our students to be passionate and excited about learning, be prepared to require risks and challenges albeit sometimes they're going to grind to a halt in their learning, skills to undertake again and succeed. it's our job to empower our students so good learning habits come from within.

I am cognizant of the importance of our position and being trusted with shaping the precious resource of young minds. I feel that we've excellent programes that our dedicated staff has worked rigorously toward creating and that we are constantly improving.

I welcome all new students and their families to the SBA Family and sincerely hope that some time here is satisfying, fulfilling and crammed with joy. May our new students soon learn to understand and know what it's to be a Benedictine.

In closing, I anticipate to figure with you all and becoming a partner in your child’s education.

Discipline is vital at every stage of student life. i'll say it’s an integral element of success. Good discipline is mandatory within the campus life. to take care of goals in your life it's vital to remain disciplined. SBA helps the scholars to remain motivated. By staying motivated students achieve all the impossible things and walk towards to their goal. Good discipline is important for the scholars to finish all their assignment works. As students, it becomes there foremost responsibility to measure a disciplined life, i.e. come to school on time, attend all the classes, follow all the classroom teachings unfailingly and strike a balance between our academics and hobbies, so we confirm this for them.

Speciality of St Benedict Academy or St Benedicts College :

Quiz Club
This is an emerging club at Benedictine Academy. This club organizes competitions within the campus. Besides hosting quiz shows the members also participate within the Inter- quiz shows wiped out various places of country.

Nature Club
Benedictine Nature Club intended to reinforce our understanding about the interactions between citizenry and environment through various activities. Also, it aims to facilitate the event of skills for environmental protection, to market environmental awareness among all sections of the society, to spread environment education, especially within the informal and artistic manner among younger generation.
Debate Club
Debating may be a fun and academic enrichment activity and is that the perfect thanks to focus students’ interest in debating. It plays a number one part within the College’s culture, meeting regularly during term time and may be a very fashionable activity. Debates centre around topical issues chosen by the scholars .
Music Club
This club strives to market all student participation within the contribution and delight of their musical abilities/talents and to supply an outlet for all students curious about music.
Blood Donation Club
It has a good membership comprising students and teachers. It maintains the list of donors and therefore the blood type to satisfy the emergency situations. There are many situations during which our blood donors came to the rescue of the lives of the many people in and around Bangalore.

St Benedicts Academy Rankings are Reviews are given below :

Students Review on Campus Facility of St Benedict Academy Bangalore: 2/5
Students Review on Teaching and Faculties of St Benedict Academy Bangalore: 2.5/5
Students Review on Accessibility from the City of St Benedict Academy Bangalore: 2/5
Students Review on Campus Placement and Recruitment of St Benedict Academy Bangalore: 1.5/5
Students Review on College Hostel of St Benedict Academy Bangalore: 2/5

St Benedict Academy Course list 2020

  • BBA Aviation Management(Bangalore University)
  • BBA with Aviation (IATA External Certificate)
  • BBA with Travel & Tourism Management (IATA External Certificate)
  • BBA
  • BCom Logistics & Supply Chain Management (Bangalore University)
  • BCom with Logistics & Supply Chain Management (External Certificate)
  • BCom with CMA(USA)
  • BCom
  • BCA Cloud Computing,Ethical hacking & Cyber security
  • BCA
  • BA
  • BSc
  • MSW
If you wish to know more about St Benedict Academy Bangalore, Click here

If you wish to know more about BBA Aviation colleges in Bangalore, Click on the below link :

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